Figma for prototyping & shipping AI agents

Allow PMs and devs to collaborate & ship AI products

Bringing Figma like experience to prototyping and shipping AI agents

A faster, more efficient
way of prompting

Allowing product teams to take back control using a dedicated Prompt IDE where they prototype agent & hand over to devs to deploy

No limits on context window

No limits on context window

As we automatically compress and select relevant history

As we automatically compress and select relevant history

Stores & retrieves memories

Stores & retrieves memories

For every user to create personalized experiences, and minimize hallucinations

For every user to create personalized experiences, and minimize hallucinations

Connect your data sources

Connect your data sources

Such as Weaviate, Pinecone, and your existing RAG pipelines

Such as Weaviate, Pinecone, and your existing RAG pipelines

Prompt IDE

Prompt IDE

Agent will be able to interact with other services such as websites, Google Drives, etc. using webhooks integrations

Agent will be able to interact with other services such as websites, Google Drives, etc. using webhooks integrations

Long running tasks

Long running tasks

Automate multi-step tasks such as reading emails and scheduling events accordingly

Automate multi-step tasks such as reading emails and scheduling events accordingly

Teach by example

Teach by example

We will bootstrap an agent from sample conversations

We will bootstrap an agent from sample conversations

Agent creation

Agents are AI apps that can make smart decisions and accomplish complex tasks. They are created by giving it a description (background story, role, and personality), instructions to follow, a set of tools and default parameters.

Agents are AI apps that can make smart decisions and accomplish complex tasks. They are created by giving it a description (background story, role, and personality), instructions to follow, a set of tools and default parameters.

Agents are AI apps that can make smart decisions and accomplish complex tasks. They are created by giving it a description (background story, role, and personality), instructions to follow, a set of tools and default parameters.

User and session

Add a user with name, description and additional information. Start a session between an agent and a user, describe the situation and see how the agent automatically brings in context from previous sessions.


Test and improve the parameters and prompts - add more details without worrying about context windows.


Memories are events and beliefs formed by the agent about the user. Understand how strong the memory is about the user and why it was formed.

Publish agent

Build and prototype AI apps quickly. Develop faster without worrying about saving sessions, managing prompt history, running background jobs, and manage conversation context. Devs can just start making API calls.

Work together,
build faster

By moving prompting and prototyping to
product teams, while devs only worry about integrating and deploying.

Let's connect

If this tickled your imagination, please say hello. We want to hear your perspective.

Agents API

© Julep AI Inc. A Delaware C-corp

Agents API

© Julep AI Inc. A Delaware C-corp

Agents API

© Julep AI Inc. A Delaware C-corp